Dental Post-Operative Care
After your Dental Implant surgery, Brisbane Dental Implant Group will provide you with precise post-surgical instructions to ensure healing occurs quickly and effectively.
Below you will find some helpful information on how to care for your dental implant after surgery, including preventing dental implant post-op infection. The 3-6 month healing and recovery period are pivotal for the bonding of your dental implants to the bone, which is why good care is essential in ensuring the success of your treatment. If you have any questions about dental implant recovery, please do not hesitate to contact Brisbane Dental Implant Group at (07) 3244 2400.
Immediately after the surgery
Once your dental implants have been inserted, you will need to bite down on a gauze pad to stop the bleeding. You will be given a pack of gauze pads to take home with you and apply to the surgical site. Continue to apply the gauze pads until the bleeding has stopped completely; changing them regularly in between.
You will be prescribed antibiotics as well as an antibiotic mouth rinse. You will need to follow the exact instructions for both to ensure your mouth is clean and free of any foreign bodies or bacteria. If you are in discomfort after the surgery you may also be given a painkiller to alleviate any pain.
Recovering from surgery
To relieve discomfort and swelling apply an ice pack for approximately twenty minutes each hour after surgery. We also recommend keeping your head elevated for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours after surgery. This will further reduce the swelling and minimise bleeding. You also need to relax as much as possible and avoid any strenuous activities for up to three days after surgery.
Your Diet
Whilst recovering from surgery, it is essential to drink at least eight glasses of water or fruit juice each day. It is also important to limit your diet to soft foods (e.g. yoghurt or soup) during the first week and avoid chewing any hard foods on the implant site. Avoid tea, coffee, spicy meals and alcohol for 48 hours following this treatment.
Oral Hygiene
You will be asked to rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution – one teaspoon of salt in one cup of water – four times a day to further disinfect the area and avoid any possibility of infection.
Keep in Contact
If you have any questions after your surgery, please do not hesitate to contact Brisbane Dental Implant Group. Our care goes beyond dental implant surgery and our friendly and knowledgeable team will be happy to assist you.